Citronella Essential Oil, Organic

  • Gluten Free
  • Kosher
  • Non GMO
  • Vegan
Citronella Essential Oil, Organic

  • Gluten Free
  • Kosher
  • Non GMO
  • Vegan
Choose your option:
  • $9.39
    0.5 oz. *
  • $20.31
    2 oz. *
  • $35.94
    8 oz. *

For larger size, please contact us.

* Eligible for reward points.

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Latin Name: Cymbopogon Nardus

General Description: Citronella is a type of grass; it is one of 55 species that is found growing in tropical zones around the world. Nature's Flavors Organic Citronella is found in Sri Lanka and Indonesia. Organic Citronella Essential Oil is very aromatic and has many uses in different parts of the world. It has been used for fevers, intestinal parasites, digestiveand menstrual problems, excessive perspiration, oily skin, cold, flu, minor infections, fatigue, headaches, migraine, neuralgia and as a stimulant. Its most common use is found as an insect repellent. It has a woody, sweet fragrance and has been used in perfumes for thousands of years.

Nature's Flavors Organic Citronella Essential Oil is safe for the skin. The best way to use it is to dilute it in small amounts of a carrier oil such as organic coconut oil or organic olive oil; just a few drops in a tablespoon of carrier oil is all you need.

Organic Citronella Essential Oil is also great as a fragrance in organic soap formulations, both liquid and hard soap. Call Customer Service for help in these two areas so we can provide formula assistance if needed. If you are making an organic liquid soap, then you should use our organic citronella emulsion because the oil-based material will separate if you put it in an organic water-based soap mix. For all other applications mentioned on this page, the straight organic essential oil should work fine. If you have a tiki torch that runs on kerosene, you can add a few drops of organic citronella oil to the kerosene base; as it burns, the aromatic citronella will keep mosquitoes and other bugs away from you and any foods you might have out for a backyard party. On a damp sponge, drop a few drops of Nature's Flavors Organic Citronella Essential Oil and use it to clean your counter tops or stone surfaces since citronella is a powerful antiseptic and disinfectant. Organic citronella oil is also used in aromatherapy. It can be added to candles and simmering pots for a relaxing and effective organic aromatherapy experience. Organic citronella essential oil should not be taken internally mostly because it is not palatable due to its potent aromatic and fragrant notes. 

How It's Made: Generally, the grass is used to get the desired oil. Steam distillation of the fresh, partly dried, and wholly dried grass is used to extract the essential oil.

Nervous System Uses: Relieves migraines. Relieves fatigue. Helps with neuralgia. Relieves headaches.

Immune System Uses: Battles common cold and influenza.

Skin Uses: Reduces excessive perspiration. Acts as an insect repellent. Helps with oily skin.

Safety Guidelines: This oil is non-toxic and will not irritate or sensitize the
skin. Organic Citronella Essential Oil should not be used directly on the skin. The oil should first be mixed with a diluting or carrier oil.

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