Angelica Root Essential Oil, Natural

  • Gluten Free
  • Kosher
  • Non GMO
  • Vegan
Angelica Root Essential Oil, Natural

  • Gluten Free
  • Kosher
  • Non GMO
  • Vegan
Choose your option:
  • $40.22
    4 ml.
  • $79.48
    0.25 oz. *
  • $128.31
    0.5 oz. *

For larger size, please contact us.

* Eligible for reward points.

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Latin Name: Angelica archangelica

General Description: Nature's Flavors Angelica Root Essential Oil has numerous purposes. It is a natural stimulant to the body's immune system, having been used to relieve bronchial ailments, colds, coughs, indigestion and to increase the appetite. China prizes this herb for increasing fertility and strengthening the spirit. Angelica Root Essential Oil is used by women to treat specific female-related disorders. In China, its reputation is only outdone by ginseng. Angelica Root Folklore: Angelica Root (also known as Holy Ghost Root, Archangel Root and Dong Quai) is widely thought to be a powerful guardian and healer. Its also known for providing strength to women. It is believed that Angelica Root is used by many for the purpose of warding off evil and bringing good luck in health and family matters. It is also widely claimed that a mixture of Angelica Root and lavender with sweet almond oil promotes peace at home and faithfulness in marriage. How It's Made: Nature's Flavors Angelica Root Essential Oil is produced by steam distillation from the roots and rhizomes or stems, or from the fruit or seeds. Angelica Root oil that is used in fragrances is often taken from the root of the plant.

Skin: Relieves Skin Irritation.
Muscles: Helps with arthritis. Helps with gout. Helps with rheumatism. Helps with water retention.
Respiratory: Helps with bronchitis. Helps with coughs.
Digestive: Prevents flatulence. Helps digestion.
Nervous System: Relieves migraines. Relieves fatigue. Helps with stress-related disorders. Helps with nervous strain.
Immune System: Fights viral infections. Battles common cold and influenza.
Massage: Works as an effective massage oil.
Other Uses: Helps with dysmenorrhoea.
Blends Well With: Patchouli, Vetiver or Clary Sage

Safety Guidelines: This oil is non-toxic and will not irritate or sensitize the
Skin: Angelica Root Essential Oil should not be used directly on the
Skin: The oil should first be mixed with a diluting or carrier oil.

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