Organic Halal Vanilla Flavor Extract Kit

  • Gluten Free
  • Kosher
  • Non GMO
  • Vegan
Organic Halal Vanilla Flavor Extract Kit

Product Currently Not Available

What’s better than the taste of real vanilla extract? The taste of knowing you made it by yourself! Nature’s Flavors Organic Halal Vanilla Flavor Extract Kit is vegan, halal, kosher, gluten-free, sugar-free, and alcohol-free.

  • Gluten Free
  • Kosher
  • Non GMO
  • Vegan
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  • $78.02

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Fruit Punch Flavor Powder, Natural

Fruit Punch Flavor Powder, Natural

It’s never been as easy, or as delicious, to make a real vanilla extract of your very own right at home. Nature’s Flavors Organic Halal Vanilla Flavor Extract Kit includes two (2) dry ounces of Grade A aged vanilla beans, 16 ounces of vegetable glycerin, and a mason jar in which to create your vanilla extract.

The product you craft is a wonderfully delicious vanilla flavor extract that can be used in baked goods, dairy applications, beverages, and so many more wonderful recipes. Nature’s Flavors Organic Halal Vanilla Flavor Extract Kit makes a great gift for yourself or for a loved one. Both the young and the young at heart will enjoy the process of making your very own vanilla extract.


  • Finely chop vanilla beans with a knife or chop in a food processor.

  • Once the vanilla beans have been cut, add them to the mason jar, fill to the top with vegetable glycerin, and tightly screw on the top. Glycerin has a similar taste and texture of honey, making it a great tincture to preserve the flavor of the vanilla beans.

  • Shaking once daily for 30 days, store the mason jar in a cool, dry place.

  • After 30 days, strain mixture using a cheesecloth or sieve into a clean container.

  • Label jar with contents and date created. The finished product has a shelf life of 12 – 24 months.

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Fruit Punch Flavor Powder, Natural

Fruit Punch Flavor Powder, Natural

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